Date: March 20, 2025
Time: 12 – 3:30 p.m. PT
Governmental and not-for-profit organizations are entrusted with funds from taxpayers and donors and are frequently targeted by fraud perpetrators. How can these organizations ensure those funds are used only for intended purposes? This course will provide several real-world case studies in which a governmental or not-for-profit entity was the victim of fraud, including what type of fraud (asset misappropriation, fraudulent financial reporting, or corruption), how it happened, the fraud indicators that were present, and what could have been done to prevent the fraud.
Closed Captioning Available
Auditors of governments and not-for-profit entities and industry professionals working in the government and not-for-profit environment.
Auditing (Governmental)
Basic knowledge of governmental and not-for-profit entities
This is a pre-recorded broadcast. The Instructor will be available to answer questions via the chat feature.